Thursday, 26 April 2007

The Journey begins in Oz!

After a hefty 19 hour plane journey ( which was all good due to food and films!), we finally arrived in Australia! Unforntunately, the rain we left in Engalnd had followed us here and for all we knew we could be still in England were it not for the one, freakish, strange difference....and that was the sound made by the road crossings when the little man turns green! No beeps here...more of a "warp, warp"! Very perculiar! Basically been lazing for now but left Sydney for a few days to journey to the Blue Mountains and oh, what a journey it was! Bye for now! xx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Carla
Glad you are enjoying life down under. Your Mum is keeping us up to date with the news. Will keep checking for new entries on your blog. We'll tell Phoebe and Sooty about your adventures so they don't feel left out!!! Liz & Scarlett x