Monday, 30 July 2007

Lake Wanaka!

The 4th largest New Zealand lake awaited after Franz Josef. On the way to Lake Wanaka we had stopped at Fox glacier and Lake Matherson (the mirror lake) for a reflection of Mount Cook (it was in some cloud that day so thank god for postcards). We had then travelled alongside the Mount Aspiring National Park and through Haast Pass seeing the last of the rainforest for a while as on the other side of the Southern Alps the landscape would dramatically change from lush green mountains to dry barren mountains! But the mountains were all caked in snow and very pretty!

We arrived in Wanaka to nice weather. While there we decided to walk out of town and climb Mount Iron (hard-going) then after we got back down we went straight to Puzzling world where we walked more than 3km around a 1.5km maze (my feet were dragging) before going into a crazy slanted room that made me so dizzy I nearly crashed against one of the walls. There were some crazy prospective rooms too and a room of faces that all followed you - creepy. So with all of that, the walk back as well as the little puzzles they gave you in the cafe to work out, I was so ready to drop -I had walked too much and my head hurt from trying to figure out one of puzzles I couldn't do!

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