Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Skydiving over Lake Taupo!

We were in Taupo, chilling by New Zealand's largest lake and waiting. Waiting for the weather to get better since there was just one reason we were in Taupo: to skydive!!!!

It was always something I had wanted to do and to do it in New Zealand, but the days went on and the weather got worse and it kept getting cancelled! But on Thursday 05-07-2007 we did it! After jumping out of a plane at 12,ooo feet up in the sky; I have now taken off in a plane more times than I have landed in one....for the rest of my life!

I was nervous! But then as we got in the plane and I was sitting by the door, I suddenly became aware that that mean't I'd be the first out and so I sort of went, "well, ok then" in my head and from that moment I was totally in denile of what was coming next. The door opened high in the sky and my feet were hanging over the edge outside the plane (which did not seem right!) I heard Roy, who I was doing the tandem with, count to three behind me and suddenly we were out in the air and I was shouting "oh my god!".

It was so crazy as it feels so strange to be so high up and free in the air like that with nothing to hold you....just floating there but also falling! The 45 seconds freefall felt like forever. Then my DVD camara man (yes I got the DVD package and free T-shirt - woo hoo!) floated away down below me out of sight and I was wrenched up by the parachute! Oh what a lovely sight that parachute was! We then gently floated around in the air taking in the views of the lake and surrounding areas. It was great up there...these skydiving guys have the best job in the world! All too soon we were heading towards the ground and I actually suprised myself by landing gracefully on two feet...the same can not be said for Jen who kind of skided...hilarious on the DVD! Then me, Jen and the two girls from our dorm who also jumped; fell about laughing as we watched the DVD back...our faces coming out of that plane were hilarious! It really was the best thing I've done so far! Bloomin' fantastic!


Anonymous said...

We think you have become an adrenalin junkie! Always wanted to skydive but not sure about the white water rafting. We love the pics and wish we could be in NZ too. Oh well, guess Wales will have to do for this year! Scarlett thinks it beats cleaning out rabbit crap! She did like the look of the Angora rabbits.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe my little girl is doing all these dangerous things. I am so glad that I spoke to you later that day so I know you are still in one piece! Don't forget you promised that was it for air and water activities, and no pot-holing! I think Liz and Scarlett are right - you used to be happy with the rides at Thorpe Park but there is no stopping you now!

Anonymous said...

How exciting, we have now done a skydive at the same place, lake taupo is such the perfect place to do a skydive, wish i could of been there to do another one with you!! I would not do the rafting though, still dont like the water, so your braver than me in that way! x

Carla The Wanderer said...

Definitely no pot-holing for me...I've seen the film "Descent" too often! The white water rafting was so scary compared to the with that someone jumped and you went with them but with the were purposely heading towards a waterfall...MAD!
Thanks for the's great to hear from you all! xx