Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Port, harbour, bay and beyond!

Well after Sydney, seems ages ago now...next stop was Port Macquarie and a temperature of 27 degrees which has stayed with us the whole time (pretty unusual for this time of year too). Went to another rainforest, then the Koala Hospital at their feeding time...they're so cute! I could just cuddle them! Also went on a dolphin cruise and saw...dolphins. I called out "Flipper" to no avail! But it was a lovely cruise where the captain even let me drive the boat for a little bit and did a pretty good job...though got my right and left mixed up as he used the technical words like "port" or something. After four days in Port Macquaire, next stop was Coff's Harbour and went on a long bike ride along the creek, to the Big Banana of course, then along the coast where I got soaked from head to toe by a gigantic wave that crashed against the wave break I was riding along. After screaming and cursing the sea in anger and a ice cream to cheer me up, we were off to Byron Bay...where I got sunburnt! Damn Sun! But luckily it's tanned abit now though I had really rosy cheeks for a while! Did another walk though a forest where I saw a bee hive but I had learnt from "My Girl" not to throw stones at it...so I refrained! : )


Anonymous said...

Cool blog, very funny, I have images of my head of your cursing the sea and acting out scenes from my girl. When are the pictures coming? x

Anonymous said...

You seem to be having a problem becoming 'as one' with nature - mad eyed ants, soaked by a wave, sun burn - perhaps you should have watched 'Crocodile Dundee' again before you left! Maybe you need a hat with corks hanging from it. Is that to stop flies? As for steering a boat, you were always lousy at the 'Port/Starboard game' in Brownies! Come to think of it, so was I, but I remember you have to think 'Is there any Port left?'
There's a little tip for your next voyage! Stay happy, keep safe. xxx

Anonymous said...

I am loving the sound of koalas and dolphins. I hope you are having a lot of fun and that you are making the most of it Love Scarlett xxx