Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Alcatraz...A.K.A The Rock!

Looking out to the water in San Francisco Bay, there's a big ominous-looking rock with old buildings on it...also known as the infamous prison of Alcatraz. The Next day in San Francisco we took a boat out to the rock. It was really nice weather and there some kind of Navy air show going on which was good to watch on the 12 minute journey to the island.

What's great is that when you get to the Island they give you audio tour headphones to listen to the stories of Officers and ex-prisoners alike. So you all go around the place with headsets on, and the tour takes you to all the famous cell blocks, the dining hall, the gun gallery where there was an attempted escape and even showed you the cells belonging to the three prisoners that escaped up through the wall pipes and were never seen again...I think there's a film with Clint Eastwood about it. Not sure what it's called..."Escape from Alcatraz" or something. But it was a really interesting tour and day to behold on The Rock!

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