Saturday, 13 October 2007

On my Way Home!

So that was it. We got back to the hotel in time to watch "Family Guy" before collapsing under sore legs from standing all afternoon. The next morning was our last free breakfast (so made the most of it!) before we headed out to Hudson's river for a little while enjoying the view and sunshine. That was after a well needed haircut (my hair had taken a lot of punishment after 6 months without conditioner) before it was back to the hotel to pack our now massive and extremely heavy backpacks just one last time for this trip! Bloomin' backpacks...dead handy but by Jove they kill your back when you fill them with lots of crap!

So here we are, waiting to get the subway back to the airport for the British Airways flight back to London. It's weird 6 months have passed. It will be weirder being surounded by british accents again and not that of Aussies or Americans! It seems to have gone quick but then when I look back on say, Australia...that seems ages ago! So much has been squashed in since then.

I've really enjoyed travelling: the flights, the places, the views, the atmosphere, the activities, the hostels, meeting loads of people from around the world who are all in the same boat! ...Though I won't miss the long string of the same questions you get when you talk to anyone new (which is every day): "Where are you from?, Where are you going?, Where have you been?, How long you're travelling for?, What did you do at uni? Have you finished? What are you going to do when you get back?" And on. I bet I will miss it though. It's funny the one thing you hardly ask is what someone's name is! Then you chat to them for a long time, that is feels like it's too late to ask them. Crazy.

I've loved every minute of these past 6 months....well, except the moments when I've had slight food poisoning AND the occassions when we've found ourselves so unexpectedly on long, steep, up-hill walks with seemingly no end in sight and can only lead to sore legs the next day. But life has been good! I have a million and one memories and experiences to cherish and have picked up enough souveniors to fill every crevice of my already overwhelmed backpack! It's truly been an utterly, incredibly, most fantastically splendiferious adventure and now I'm on my way home and insearch of a cup of tea.

14/10/2007 - Update: After coming through "Arrivals" in my "new" New York jumper, and complete with a cup of tea after a balloon and "Welcome Home" banner-filled welcoming, I'm well and truly home now!!! Until the next trip that is! ; )

Thanks for reading my wanderings and all the comments, bye for now!

Carla xx

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