Sunday, 30 September 2007
Big Island - Big Volcano!
Thursday, 27 September 2007
Waikiki Beach Life
Pearl Harbour.
But Afterwards our heads were filled with so much information and so we headed to a diner called Denny's and I tried French Toast (another thing I always hear on US shows)...didn't like it much but it was OK.
When in Rome.....
Chilling at Northshore!
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
Leaving Fiji...Aloha Hawai'i!
Our last night in Fiji brought a last Fijian dance show with my favourite Fijian tunes, loads of flying-foxes and fruit bats by dusk and plenty more mosquito bites.

I spent the morning around the Lodge lazing by the pool and taking pictures of sweet tiny frogs (that on closer inspection later turned out to be baby ugly cane toads) and the raintree's very cute cat before it was time to get the coach back to Nadi. It was said leaving Fiji. I really hadn't known what to expect having not heard much about it beforehand but it turned out to be so pretty, with beautiful waters and tropical vegetation. The Fijians are so friendly and everything was very relaxing which was great! Also the geckos were sweet. I wouldn't miss the Mozzies though. So the sunset on our time in Fiji and soon we were at the airport waiting for our flight to Honolulu. We later found out that it was the Fijian water (rainwater and tank) we had been drinking and had been told it was safe to drink, that had probably made us feel yuck after the island hop and still a little for the rest of our time in Fiji, but now in Hawaii, it's back on the mineral stuff!
My first impression of Hawaii...a lot of Americans in Hawaiian shirts!
Life in the Rainforest!
After 4 days at the Beach House it was time to move on to Suva (the Capital). We decided to stay at this place we'd heard about called Raintree Lodge.
We got there and boy was it humid! We were staying in a bunk room but soon found it was very quiet at the Lodge. Beside a 110 feet deep murky lake (which has a friendly Eel and you can go swimming in but like hell was I going to) and next to the Colo-I-Suva Rainforest, we soon found out what this all meant...Mozzies. Yes The Mosquito had became my enemy back in Cape Tribulation in Australia and though we'd been united a little on the islands after sunset that was soon to be no comparison. In one night I got 40 bites across my legs. Now it may have partially my fault for not being on an adequate enough of insect repellent but it's also their fault for existing! 
Each night I acquired more and more bites that became huge red itchy blotches that everybody tells you not to scratch but find yourself doing it in your sleep. It rained for the first two days at Raintree so we decided to take a trip in to Suva (did some more haggling) and then it got sunnier and so we took a trip into the rainforest next day...very humid, lots of spider webs but nice waterfalls! In the evenings we chatted with an old lady called Helena a Kiwi who lives on one of the very remote islands: Vanua Balava (near both of Arnold Swartzenegger's and Mel Gibson's Islands) and a couple of some pagan hippies that were really nice and who were going off to work for Helena.
Each night I acquired more and more bites that became huge red itchy blotches that everybody tells you not to scratch but find yourself doing it in your sleep. It rained for the first two days at Raintree so we decided to take a trip in to Suva (did some more haggling) and then it got sunnier and so we took a trip into the rainforest next day...very humid, lots of spider webs but nice waterfalls! In the evenings we chatted with an old lady called Helena a Kiwi who lives on one of the very remote islands: Vanua Balava (near both of Arnold Swartzenegger's and Mel Gibson's Islands) and a couple of some pagan hippies that were really nice and who were going off to work for Helena.
Coral Coast: The Beach House
OK, so the sun burn actually made us both a bit sick, we had intended to stay only one night at the hotel but that was soon extended to recover. The extra time allowed us to get ourselves sorted and book up the next hostels and transport. We paid deposits which was a nice way to get around the 3% tax (only paying tax on deposits was much less....mmmwhahahahaha!!!)
It was on to the Coral Coast and we arrived at the pretty, out-of-the-middle-of-nowhere hostel called the Beach House where Last Year's Celebrity Love Island was filmed. I hadn't seen it but from "thanks for voting for me" messages left on the walls in the sitting area (that was the bedroom on the programme) and all the rectangular one-way-mirror-type windows everywhere, I got the idea.
Kuata and Swimming with Sharks
The boat trip out was long, and Kuata got smaller and smaller into the distance. Eventually the boat stopped just in the middle of the ocean and the driver said, "OK, jump out!" I was mildly nervous, as jumping out into to the water where there's no hope of touching the bottom makes me a bit nervous and then with the added choppy water conditions I was a bit freaked. But I did it and after a mild panic I got the hang of the snorkel and off we went. The reef was gorgeous, the best I've seen and so so deep and blue. There was great crevices under us and so many fish, I even saw a trumpet fish! Then we saw the sharks, "White-Tip Sharks": 5ft in length but rather cute and not dangerous (only if you anger them or they're hungry, but these guys were about to be fed by our guide so no worries there - We heard afterwards of two guys being bitten by White Tips but they had had fish tied around they're waists so they were idiots!). They were amazing creatures and it was a fantastic experience being with them.
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
Coconut Bay!
Monday, 10 September 2007
Fiji Time and Island Hopping!
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