Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Leaving Fiji...Aloha Hawai'i!

Our last night in Fiji brought a last Fijian dance show with my favourite Fijian tunes, loads of flying-foxes and fruit bats by dusk and plenty more mosquito bites.

I spent the morning around the Lodge lazing by the pool and taking pictures of sweet tiny frogs (that on closer inspection later turned out to be baby ugly cane toads) and the raintree's very cute cat before it was time to get the coach back to Nadi. It was said leaving Fiji. I really hadn't known what to expect having not heard much about it beforehand but it turned out to be so pretty, with beautiful waters and tropical vegetation. The Fijians are so friendly and everything was very relaxing which was great! Also the geckos were sweet. I wouldn't miss the Mozzies though. So the sunset on our time in Fiji and soon we were at the airport waiting for our flight to Honolulu. We later found out that it was the Fijian water (rainwater and tank) we had been drinking and had been told it was safe to drink, that had probably made us feel yuck after the island hop and still a little for the rest of our time in Fiji, but now in Hawaii, it's back on the mineral stuff!
My first impression of Hawaii...a lot of Americans in Hawaiian shirts!

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