So we found ourselves amongst the mass of Americans in Waikiki! The place was gorgeous, the beach lovely but the whole city was a lot more built up than we were expecting (due to tourists). After a few days we left Waikiki for the free shuttle to north shore (well, technically they asked for a tip but then that wouldn't be free so we didn't tip!)

We stayed in a hostel that was situated as little huts in what they called a plantation village. The first day there it rained and we spent the day hopping to and from the beach in between cloud bursts. That night there was a BBQ (nice), later lots of us played cards when some guys (drunk) got into a fight up the road from us and the police were called. It didn't amount to anything, I think one guy got hit on the head with a plant. But as the police rolled up dressed in their cool uniforms and wearing guns, I thought to myself..."Yep I'm in America alright".

Our time In Northshore passed by with us being awoken in the wee hours each morning by the neighbourhood roosters, followed by beach by day and eating Frosties for dinner at night. Though one night we made "Mac N Cheese" that strangely had no cheese in the ingredients. The best thing about the Plantation village was all the chickens and all the cats! There were loads of them and some really friendly, I just used to grab one and put it on my lap. But they seemed to live along side the chickens in peace! That was sweet.
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