Thursday, 27 September 2007

Waikiki Beach Life

After Pearl Harbour we spent the remainder of our time in Waikiki on the beach where it was bloody hot thought you'd occasionally get the odd sprinkle of rain out of what appeared to be blue sky! We staying in a grand hostel that has free breakfast and a TV in your room so we're getting well acquainted with US TV. The beach is great, it's like something out of Baywatch, I find myself singing the theme tune in my head whenever I look at the lifeguard hut thing. There's loads of surfer's here and the surf's pretty big so there always cool to watch!

We also saw the changing of the Kings Guard (in tradition with when they used to have royalty here). they take the state flag down (which has the union jack in the corner) and then do lots of displays of gun throwing and spinning of guns...its very cool and so we had our photo taken with the men in uniform!

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