Monday, 10 September 2007

Fiji Time and Island Hopping!

"Bula!" The friendly Fijian greeting to every tourist they come across and you reply "Bula!" back. Well, a short while after we arrived in Fiji and got to Nadi Bay Hotel we didn't have a clue where to go and how to get there so we went to the useful hotel travel desk and asked her what we should do. She told us and booked it all and so the next day we were off on a bright yellow Catamaran called the "Yasawa Flyer II" on our way to the top of the Yasawa Island range west of Levu Viti (main Island) for a week of island-hopping to smaller, remote islands. It was a fab journey on through Fiji's deep blue waters, past tiny islands resorts, we even spotted a sea turtle that came up for air.

First stop was near the top of the range, we got off the catamaran and on to a water taxi to arrive at the Island of Nacula. More deep blue-turquoise waters and a white beach greeted us in the bay and soon we were settled into our "Bure" (palm leave roofed hut), lazing in hammocks by the sea. This was to be how we would spend a lot of the week. There's a term called "Fiji Time" that the Fijians use a lot to tourists when explaining that the activity times and bus times they give you are not accurate, it's Fiji time therefore the bus may come...or it may not! It's something you have to get use to when you pretty much live your life by a watch. When there's something like meal times at the island resorts that's a true time they say, "Not Fiji Time".

We spent our two days at Nacula visiting the Blue Lagoon (very blue) and finding coconuts to drink from and smash on rocks to get to the flesh (out of view to avoid embarrassment) and we visited teh nearby village where we met the Chief's wife and the Kindergartan children sang to us "Humpty Dumpty". But most of the time was in a hammock, even at night when the electric generator stopped and the lights went out, you could just lay in a hammock under the stars and see the milky-way freakishly close, I even feel asleep in one one night and got a bit confused when I woke up to mosquitos biting the hell out of me! The little beasties!

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