Sunday, 3 June 2007

Dingo Fun on Fraser Island!

Next we were on to Hervey bay where we were to depart from for our 4x4 safari on Fraser Island! After a crazy early awakening by what must have been a huge possum clambering across our room's roof and diving into the tree next to me bunk bed..which I mistakenly took for an alien from the film "Signs" as I was half asleep, anyway, we then got the ferry over to Fraser in our 4WD Vehicle in a small group of 8 people!

Fraser Island was so cool, driving in the forest parts and along the sandy shores of Fraser Island (The World's Largest Sand Island) and we saw some really pretty sights like Lake McKenzie (in the top ten beaches of the world) and Indian heads look out, the Green Basin Lake and the Coloured sands BUT there was one thing I was not happy to see. One thing I had dreaded encountering. I was sitting in the back of the 4x4 as it was driving along and then at the corner of my eye I saw it and turned to see a hairy, massive (later identified as the Huntsman Spider) Son of Satan, SPIDER crawling towards me. I, seconds later then proceeded to panic as it crawled behind my back, I couldn't get my seat belt undone but finally when I did I lept up and landed on the otherside as we all yelled for Johnny (driving) to stop! The funniest thing about it all that at the precise moment I realised the spider was there, Jen was recording so on the video you her me shout "S*** it's a SPIDER!" and then guess who screams...the two guys sitting across from us! It makes us laugh everytime we watch it back! After the encounter with the spider (still in the vehicle) we set up camp. It was great fun camping out under the stars..I saw some shooting stars and the milky way. Also I found it funny how some people reacted (i.e. by screaming) to the Dingos that would come up to the camp, smelling the food. I just used to shine my torch at them and shout "Bah!" to no great effect really.

What was not fun was getting up the first night at 3.15am when there was a huge gale making the tent top cover nearly blow off and so had to run out in the cold and peg the damn thing down again and then the second night when we got the crap tent that leaked and of course there was the most massive thunder storm that meant by 4am we were sitting in the middle of the tent surrounded by pools of water from all sides...absolutely soaking but singing Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody at the top's of our voices before watching the sunrise after the storm! But it was fun nevertheless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww a spider I think i would collapse if i saw that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!