Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Sunset, Sunrise!

So then we stopped at a fab viewing place to watch the sunset on the rock. It was really spectacular as the rock seemed to burn a bright orange and then as the sun sank under the horizon you could watch the purple shadow creep and then gallop up the side of the rock. That night came a nice camp meal (made by our guide, therefore no cooking required - woohoo!) by the fire before getting into our cosy Swags to sleep under the stars. I counted seven shooting stars that night (well, satellites or pieces of junk floating in our orbit....but it was still pretty!) That morning however was early and bloody cold! We dashed out of our swags and into a freezing bus to park up and view the sunrise beside Uluru which was fantastic. We were all huddled there together: freezing and moaning, but then the sun began to rise and then suddenly all you could hear was the clicking and beeping of digital camaras as people took hundreds of photos of the bloomin' sun...myself included! But it was quite an awesome sight to behold!

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