Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Mount Maunganui: Defying gravity, My Helmet and a Crazy Man!

Next stop after Rotorua was the coast town of Mount Maunganui named after the mountain that loomed over the time. Our first day was spent walking to the top, it didn't take long or wouldn't have except we spent loads of time lazying along the way and stopping to take fun photos of defying gravity in a what I now call my Superman Stance. The views from the top were fantastic, over the town and over the sea. On our way down a crazy man with a crazy beard and a crazy stick approached us and asked where we were from. He then began a whole speech relaying the sequence of events that would lead to the world ending on December the 23rd - when the button would be pushed! He told us to be here in New Zealand in December (i'm guessing this year) and we said ok and let him pass. We passed groups of people on the way down that looked like they had had the same speech! I'll look out for the events he talked of, but really I was left annoyed...as if it does, we miss christmas! How annoying that would be!

The next day was a hot one so we took out the hostel's bikes, mine was complete with a snazzy multicoloured, fluorescent, stripy helmet! The manager handed it over in a jokingly sort of way but I immediately made an enthusiastic grab for it and refused to swap it for the other run-of-the-mill blue hemlet he then offered me. So off we went, my helmet firmly clamped on my head for the remainder of that day as we rode along the beach and did the base walk around the mount. Later we took a leisurely walk out onto a lookout over the sea. Perched up on rocks hanging out to sea it was a very peaceful place to be.

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