We had returned to Rotorua and its unusual smell to visit the Tamaki Maori Village for a traditional Maori cultural experience. It began with the welcome dance ("Powhiri") before we entered the meeting house, "Wharenui" where the dancers performed welcome dances and songs, showed war movements with traditional weapons and even performed the famous "Haka" war dance, complete with sticking out tongues!

After the dances it was time for a traditional Hangi meal that is cooked on hot rocks under the earth. It was unfortunately an all you could eat buffet. I say unfortunately, as it was so tasty I ate too much which I only realised later that night! Carrots, Kumara (sweet potato), stuffing, potatoes, egg salad, coleslaw, lettuce, mussels, salmon, chicken, pasta salad, lamb in mint sauce and gravy....all on the one plate! A mistake I will remember always. All too soon it was time for the closing ceremony, it was a shame to leave as it had been such a worthwhile experience and really showed you the soft, friendly yet powerful and strong culture of the Maori people.
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