Monday, 6 August 2007

Snow in August!

It was time to leave Dunedin behind for Lake Tekapo, which is on the other side of the Mount Cook we had previously been seeing from the west side. We stopped on route to see a very strange pale blue lake apparently the result of "rock flour" from glaciers but to me looked like blue bath milk.

We stayed in a little hostel along the lake front and the next day we woke up to snow! So we decided to climb the thus snow-capped Mount John (1031 metres)! Armed with muesli bars, an orange and cucumber sandwiches we began our ascent up through the snow! It was really pretty with the snow resting on the pine trees and the surrounding mountains now completely caked in snow. We took our time, finding fresh snow to tread upon, to have a snowball showdown (where we both missed each useless!), making two miniature snowman by the path side plus there was even time to make a couple of snow angels! Then it was up the slippy, powdery snow to the top view point but with all the snow we'd gone off the path a bit - if only we'd had a sledge and huskies! But we soon made it up and had a fantastic panoramic view of the mountain range and lake to eat our sandwiches by.

It was then a more relaxing tramp down along the lake edge back to the hostel for a nice Sunday dinner of salmon, potatoes and broccoli spouts...all free thanks to a peculiar but generous woman from South London that off loaded her food on to us!

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