Wednesday, 29 August 2007

In My 24th Year I Jumped Off A Building!

Yes, we had boarded our last traveller's Magic bus in an altogether somewhat sombre mood, back to the dazzling city lights of Auckland and back to where we started three months ago. It was our last few days in New Zealand and so it was time to do something big, something crazy!

A few days after my 24th birthday, me and Jen therefore decided to take the plunge and do the Sky Jump from the Sky Tower. The weather looked good, there were free slots, I'd put my contact lenses in and so on the spot we decided to do it! All kitted up in our "Sky Suits", we headed to the platform. I was to go first.

After the safety checks, I headed out along the lonely platform. I hanged over the edge at the end, joined to my base wire that would stop me before I hit the ground...hopefully! Holding onto the platform sides I looked over the edge and saw the city far below me. I was bloody nervous but managed to totally detach my mind and so when they told me to let go that's just what I did.

I let go and fell off the Auckland Sky Tower 192 metres down at 85 km/h. It was an unbelievable experience, totally exhilarating! The wind rushed by your ears and there was a great view of the city before it all suddenly became bigger! But there was no lurching sensation in your stomach, you just fall through the air and then 11 seconds later you gently touch ground and want to do it all again!

That's just what we did, they let us go a second time for free so that we could record each other from below which was great as you can hear us screaming and see the ridiculous smiles on our faces! Great fun! So there it was, our last hurrah as we prepare to leave New Zealand behind us. It is going to be really sad saying goodbye to New Zealand as its such a fantastic place and the kiwi's are crazy in a good way. But go, we stop: Fiji!

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