Saturday, 2 June 2007

The Crocodile Hunter's Diaries!

After Brisbane the next stop was Maroochydore and finally the time had come to got to Australia Zoo! Yes indeed, being such a huge, huge, HUGE fan of the great late Steve Irwen, it was something I was really looking forward to. Though I was a little sad about it all, I actually cried on the bus going as they were showing a special video about him and it had a bit about when his dog Chilli died! But the Zoo was fantastic, I feed an elephant, saw a leopard be taken for a walk, held and hugged a very cute Koala, went to the Crocoseum and I spent ages at (my personal favourite) the Wombat enclosure...I just love the wombats...they're so cute! So after taking hundreds of pictures of them and clutching my little Steve Irwen figurine purchased from the gift shop along with a "Crickey!" keyring it was unfortunately time to leave : ( but it was a grand sort of day to be had! The next day we went biking along Maroochy River and say a spotted Stingray, that night a guy showed us the sting barb from one he'd caught and indeed it was very sharp and serrated in such a way that was very horrid!


Anonymous said...

awwwwww i want a koala... thats my dream that one day i will go to australia zoo!! You are soooo lucky!! Love Scarlett xxxx

Anonymous said...

I know you will love Australia Zoo! That Koala was so so cute, I definitely have to go back there again too! x